Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Every year you hear about New Year's Resolutions.  You know what those things are, they're thing predictions/wishes you'd like to accomplish within the year.  Or typically, "Everything I'm not going to to accomplish in the month of January." 

Here are a list of what I believe America will voice as their 2011 Resolutions.  Based on TV Ads, I'm probably not that far off.

1.  Lose weight.  - Nutra System, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Ab Pro, Hydroxycut, bowflex tredclimber, Need I go on?
2. Get in shape.  - Refer to #1
3. Reduce Debt  - Will save you an average of $43 a year for Insurance, Cash4Gold. Com.
4. Spend more time with the family. -  In order to do that, put down the damn phone.
5. Get Organized. - Quit buying useless stuff, this will help with the organization.

Again, just a few resolutions that seem pretty popular, but seems like set a person up for failure. 
 What's your thoughts?
Happy New Year.

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